Brent & Becky's Blog — daffodil

Do Daffodils Spread?

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

  As captivating as they are, it’s no wonder we’d all want more daffodils in our yards. They’re beautiful, come in a wide array of colors, and are pest-proof! However, is the only way to get more of these fabulous flowers by buying more bulbs to plant? Or do daffodils spread all on their own?   Will Daffodils Spread? Anyone who has ever planted a spreading plant, like lily-of-the-valley or creeping phlox, will know that these plants require little to no help in multiplying throughout our landscapes. In fact, they’re so good at it, our concern is more often not...

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When to Plant Bulbs

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

After a long, harsh winter, there are very few things we look forward to more than the first signs of fresh life poking through our soil in spring. These jolly green sprouts usher in the warmer temperatures, and continue to do so throughout the season, in the depths of summer heat, right up until the arrival of autumn. However, in order to put on their spectacular season-long show, their planting must be as well-timed as the punchline of a joke.

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