Brent & Becky's Blog — healthy

How to Make Dahlias Last Longer

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

How to Make Dahlias Last Longer By: Brent, Co-Owner, Brent & Becky's Bulbs It’s hard not to love dahlias. They’re incredibly beautiful and unique, not to mention they come in every color of the rainbow - even blue! They’re just one of those flowers that we simply can’t get enough of, and we love including them in our garden bed ideas, so we certainly want to prolong their presence in our lives as long as possible. Here’s how:   Grow in the Right Conditions If dahlias frequently go more than a week without moisture, they tend to dry out and...

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The Importance of Mulching

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

  Mulching might not be as fun or colorful of a topic as our favorite bulbs and blooms, but it’s an important tool to make sure that our gardens are looking their best, full of healthy plants and bulbs that are given their ideal conditions to shine! Mulching has tons of advantages and is as simple as sprinkling a layer of protective material on the ground around your plants, masking the soil. The benefits are far more complicated and involved, and for all of the work involved, mulching is more than worth its weight to your garden and plants -...

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