Brent & Becky's Blog — planting bulbs
Storing Tulip Bulbs
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on
Nothing says spring in the garden quite like tulips—their bright, cup-shaped blooms eagerly announce the start of the season atop tall stems. But, if you’re fortunate to have them return again for a second spring bloom, you might notice that they just don’t have the spark they used to have the first year. Maybe the summer heat has taken its toll, or maybe they just need a little food. No matter what the reason, if digging them up and storing bulbs to plant again is in the books, here’s how to make it happen: When to Dig Up Tulip...
Can You Plant Tulips Bulbs in Spring?
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on
Before we answer this question, let us first say that there is a way to find out which topics are being searched on Google. And, believe it or not, this one question is trending! So, we thought we’d tackle this head on! The bulb so popular that it caused an entire country’s market to crash, the tulip offers some of the most iconic spring blooms to be found. Gorgeous, colorful, and mainly cup-shaped, it’s a classic favorite that is simply impossible to beat when the gardening season returns again after a long winter. However, in order to enjoy its cheerful...
Buying Bulbs Online
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on
Buying Bulbs Online By: Jay, Grin-eral Manager, Brent & Becky's Bulbs As any gardener knows, selecting the right bulbs is something that just can’t be done from sight alone. You need to touch them and feel them to be sure that you’re getting top-performers for your garden this year. And knowing this, how can it even be possible to buy bulbs online — where you’re unable to see the bulbs until they get to you? How can you be sure you’re getting a top-quality product if you can’t ensure it yourself? Here at Brent & Becky’s Bulbs, we pride ourselves...
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on
With large, showy blooms famous for their trumpet shapes and a dazzling array of colors, lilies are some of the most iconic flowers found in our gardens. Not to mention, they’re also some of the most diverse, with varieties of all shapes, colors, and sizes to fit any aesthetic. How to Plant Lilies While most bulbs can be purchased in advance and kept in storage before planting, lilies are prone to drying out in storage. To prevent this, plan to purchase your lilies just before you expect to plant. Lilies need a good winter chill to produce big...
When to Plant Bulbs
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on