Brent & Becky's Blog — spring bulbs
How to Transplant Bulbs
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How to Transplant Bulbs By: Brent, Co-Owner, Brent & Becky's Bulbs While some people can go their whole life without ever having to transplant their bulbs, there comes a time in many gardeners’ lives where the need becomes apparent. Sometimes over the years, our yards change and suddenly we can’t grow where we once could. Other times, our bulbs may be clumping well beyond our expectations and are in desperate need of division. Whatever your reason may be for transplanting, here’s our guide on how to do it. Transplanting Bulbs The best time to dig up our spring-blooming bulbs...
Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on
With large, showy blooms famous for their trumpet shapes and a dazzling array of colors, lilies are some of the most iconic flowers found in our gardens. Not to mention, they’re also some of the most diverse, with varieties of all shapes, colors, and sizes to fit any aesthetic. How to Plant Lilies While most bulbs can be purchased in advance and kept in storage before planting, lilies are prone to drying out in storage. To prevent this, plan to purchase your lilies just before you expect to plant. Lilies need a good winter chill to produce big...
When to Plant Bulbs
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