Bulb Resources for Inspiration
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Bulb Resources for Inspiration
By: Brent and Becky
Bulb Photography
Bulb Books
Bulbs in Blogs
If we were to ask you to describe us, we’d bet the first thing you’d think of would be “the bulb people”. It’s our hobby, it’s our job, and it’s our passion. Bulbs are a part of our everyday lives and if you love them as much as we do, then you’ll love these amazing resources we’ve found over the years that fuel our inspiration.

Bulb Photography
The best part about bulbs is undoubtedly the amazing blooms they produce. If you’re never tired of seeing the amazing things that burst forward from bulbs, you can find some amazing pictures here:
Keukenhof (@visitkeukenhof) is a famous garden in the Netherlands known for having “the most beautiful spring garden in the world.” Every fall they plant over 7 million bulbs to put together their amazing displays of bulbs arranged in stunning patterns. With that many bulbs in the ground, you know there’s bound to be some gorgeous blooms happening, and there are! You can see absolutely captivating images of everything they do - from planting right to the finished product - right on their Instagram. Although, word to the wise: you’ll be itching to get back into the dirt after seeing some of these.
Jen McGuinness (@frau_zinnie) is a happy-go-lucky garden blogger with a passion for bulbs and blooms. She shares her incredible imagery of both her garden and her garden guests - like monarchs and bumble bees - alongside her tips and tricks for perfecting your green thumb. Her pure joy and passion for gardening is infectious, seeping into her beautiful photos that you won’t be able to get enough of.
Greg Ruckert (@bulbflowers) is by no means a professional photographer. He is, however, the President of the Lilium and Bulb Society of South Australia and an obsessive grower of bulb flowers. In his garden, you’ll catch glimpses of all kinds of extraordinary flowers captured in lovingly homey photography. While he may not be gracing the covers of magazines with his snaps, he brings his pure love and excitement for all things bulb to each and every shot, and we promise you’ll love them!
Bulb Books
Books can be an amazing resource for both entertainment and education, and these ones take the cake for both when it comes to bulbs:
Bulbs by John Bryan is an encyclopedia of all things bulb-related that every gardener should have gracing their coffee table. It features expert advice in language that is easy to understand alongside beautiful photography and illustrations. With this book, not only will you learn about all the amazing species and cultivars of bulb flowers, but you’ll also learn all about care for these plants. It covers everything from pests and diseases to propagation, so you can quickly become an expert in your downtime!
Bulb by Anna Pavord is a personal selection and authoritative guide to the most beautiful bulbs on the earth. The publication of Anna Pavord's guide to her favorite bulbs, corms, and tubers is an event to be celebrated. Here, the world famous author of The Tulip, selects 540 favorite bulbs, more bulbs than and gardener could grow in a lifetime. This is one of the best we’ve seen and highly recommend it!
Colour Your Garden: Exciting Mixtures of Bulbs and Perennials by Jacqueline van der Kloet discusses how Spring-flowering bulbs are the quintessential start of the gardening season. But bulbs are not only for spring, they can add colour and visual interest to your garden all year round. In Colour your Garden Jacqueline van der Kloet shows you how to combine bulbs with the existing plants in your garden. She explains how to choose the right bulb for the right situation, how to plant them for maximum effect and what to expect when you combine established plants with bulbs, both spring-flowering and those that flower in summer and even autumn. There is also inspiring information on planting bulbs for courtyards, balconies and roof terraces. Jacqueline shows there are interesting combinations to be made in pots as well, resulting in spectacular mini gardens that flower for weeks on end
Bulb Forcing for Beginners and the Seriously Smitten by our good friend, Art Wolk, shares his secrets for forcing bulbs indoors even when the weather outside is frightful. He makes it simple to understand and fun to read, filling it with humor and gorgeous pictures that will have you reading it time and time again. We loved it so much, we even wrote the foreword!
Tulips for North American Gardens by Brent and Becky Heath is one of our very own publications in which we share our expertise in growing tulips right here in the USA. From growing to caring to feeding, we’ll make sure your tulips are grown right from the start. We even share our top tips for cutting and arranging them to enjoy them out of the garden, too! Bulbs in Blogs
Frau Zinnie - a girl so nice she made it on our list twice! This lovely lady shares her love of bulbs and gardening not just on Instagram, but on her very own blog, too. She keeps it down to earth and conversational, sharing her stories of gardening triumphs and failures to both inspire and educate. Our favorite feature, though, has to be her monthly checklist, where she shares everything she’s going in her garden that month, so you can follow along!
Heirloom Bulb Girl, also known as Keenan Fletcher, is a “bulb hunter” with a love and passion for bulb gardening. Her blog shares the humorous and inspirational tales of her gardening experiences, interspersed with family tales that will have you smiling every step of the way.
Brent and Becky’s Blog is where we share all our best advice for bulbs right here on our site. We have years and years of experience gardening and cultivating bulbs, and we believe in sharing that knowledge with others, which is why we’ve devoted our blog to educating our readers and encouraging them to grow beautiful bulbs of their own. We keep things on trend with what’s going on in the garden now, but we’re also happy to answer any questions you might have - just let us know!We know you love bulbs just as much as us, which is why we couldn’t keep these treasures to ourselves. These resources make getting your bulb fix easy and we can’t wait to see what they inspire in your garden this year!