Brent & Becky's Blog — fall planting

What’s Your Spring Bulb Personality?

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

Every flower has its own personality. Find out what you have in common with your favorite fall bulbs!

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Brent Answers More Questions from Social Media!

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

Crowded daffodil beds, blooming troubles, and spring tulips for hot climates—these are just a few of the topics Brent and Jay discussed on the last episode of Tete-aTete! Listen here or read the full transcript.

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Planning Your Fall Plantings

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

It’s time to start preparing for your fall-planted, spring-blooming bulbs!

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Podcast: Brent’s Gardening Tips

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

A great spring garden actually begins in the fall! Here’s a recap of the questions you asked Brent this past April, and what you can do this fall for a better garden in spring of 2021.

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What’s New in Our Fall 2020 Catalogue?

Posted by Brent & Becky's Admin on

Springtime beauty is planted in the fall. These fall-planted, spring-blooming items are brand new in our 2020 lineup—order early before they’re gone!

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